Picrust 2: A subset of reference sequences aligned poorly to the Reference sequences


Im using the version of picrust2 as of May 2024.

I’m trying to validate the accuracy of picrust2 for predicting my own trait data.
I randomly sampled a subset of 16s RRNA sequences from the reference sequence fasta file (picrust2/picrust2/default_files/prokaryotic at master · picrust/picrust2 · GitHub)

Then I removed gaps by replacing - with “”.

Then I ran place_seqs on the random subsets.

place_seqs.py -s input_seqs -o output_tree -p 1 --intermediate intermediate_folder

I got the error :
Stopping - all 4201 input sequences aligned poorly to reference sequences (–min_align option specified a minimum proportion of 0.8 aligning to reference sequences).

How can reference sequences be poorly aligned to refererence sequences?

Abel Tan

Hi @Abel_Tan,

I’m not exactly sure what is going on there. I would suggest making a post on the piecrust user group which the main authors actively watch.


I think there might also be similar questions on that group around this type of analysis.

Jacob Nearing