Im using the version of picrust2 as of May 2024.
I’m trying to validate the accuracy of picrust2 for predicting my own trait data.
I randomly sampled a subset of 16s RRNA sequences from the reference sequence fasta file (picrust2/picrust2/default_files/prokaryotic at master · picrust/picrust2 · GitHub)
Then I removed gaps by replacing - with “”.
Then I ran place_seqs on the random subsets.
place_seqs.py -s input_seqs -o output_tree -p 1 --intermediate intermediate_folder
I got the error :
Stopping - all 4201 input sequences aligned poorly to reference sequences (–min_align option specified a minimum proportion of 0.8 aligning to reference sequences).
How can reference sequences be poorly aligned to refererence sequences?
Abel Tan