MelonnPan training -- no common IDS

Hi @himel.mallick, I run melonnpan.train() and got three output files including a weight matrix. Then I tried to use this information to run melonnpan.predict(). I attach snapshots of my weight.matrix and metal () files here, which were taken after loading and seeing through the view() in R.



My code looks like this:

melonnpan.predict(metag = my_metag, weight.matrix = IMDM_MelonnPan_Trained_Weights, output = getwd())

However, I get this error message,
**Error in melonnpan.predict(metag = my_metag, weight.matrix = IMDM_MelonnPan_Trained_Weights, : No common IDs found between training and test data. Execution halted!**

Could you please suggest me what is wrong with my code and how to run it correctly? Thank you.