I am currently working with Maaslin2 on some 16s sequencing data and have been using Maaslin2 to look for differentially abundant taxa based on two covariates. The program runs amazingly when i use only one variable, however, when i use two fixed variables the analysis is run normally for the 1st variable and the second i see only the variable name not its individual categories.
variable categories
-Parasite load: Negative, LowLoad, HighLoad
-Health: HH, IH, DH
the results will show only: IH, DH, ParasiteLoad (not the actual categories of that variable)
Could this be an issue with the format of my data, or with maaslin? I have included the run command below.
fit_data = Maaslin2(
input_data = maslin.otu_table.nr.species,
input_metadata = maslin.meta_data.nr.s,
output = “maslin.output_2.nr.covariate”,
fixed_effects = c(“Health”,“ParasiteLoad”),
random_effects = “NONE”,
reference = c(“Health,HH”,“ParasiteLoad,Negative”))
Any feedback is very much appreciated