Sorry for my late reply. I understand what you mean, and I could not find answer in the thread I specified, as you stated. From my current understanding,
Absence of subclass, LEfSe will perform per-feature KW, and NOT skip wilcoxon unless you specified --wilc option to 0. Instead, LEfSe seem to perform both KW and Wilcoxon between class. I was examining and noticed this. I made another thread regarding this (if it is valid for lefse to perform KW and Wilcoxon both between class).
Question about LEfSe when specifing no subclass -
I think yes, considered they went through KW and LDA, however, in this case (–wilc 0), the p-value from KW, which is considered to be reported whether wilcoxon is performed or not, is not reported. I additionally asked this problem in the thread above.