I am running MaAsLin2 with model = “LM”.
For the methods section of a paper, I am trying to describe more precisely how MaAsLin2 calculates p-values for fixed effects.
I’ve been digging around the code to try to find an answer. Line 81 in fit.R
runs coef(summary(fit))
where fit
is made using lmerTest::lmer
(line 75). Based on the lmerTest documentation, I think this means that we are calculating a p-value based on a t-statistic using “Satterthwaite’s method for denominator degrees of freedom”. Therefore, I would say something like “fixed effect p-values were calculated based on a t-statistic using Satterthwaite’s method for denominator degrees of freedom”.
Would you agree with this description?
I am digging into this because my understanding is that there is no universally recommended way to calculate p-values for fixed effects in LMMs. I have previously used the Wald test, but that is NOT what MaAsLin2 is doing, right?
Thanks in advance for your advice.