2021-04-22 08:36:21,651 LoggerReporter started INFO: Beginning AnADAMA run with 90 tasks. 2021-04-22 08:36:21,653 LoggerReporter started INFO: Workflow description = A workflow for whole metagenome and metatranscriptome shotgun sequences 2021-04-22 08:36:21,653 LoggerReporter started INFO: Workflow version = 0.1 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: Workflow configuration options 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: input_metagenome = examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/ 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: input_metatranscriptome = examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/ 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: input_mapping = examples/wmgx_wmtx/mapping.tsv 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: input_extension = fastq.gz 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: threads = 1 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: pair_identifier = .R1 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: bypass_norm_ratio = False 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: qc_options = 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: remove_intermediate_output = False 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: bypass_strain_profiling = False 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: output = workflow_output 2021-04-22 08:36:21,654 LoggerReporter started INFO: config = None 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: jobs = 1 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: grid_jobs = 0 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: grid = aws 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: grid_partition = general 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: grid_benchmark = on 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: grid_options = None 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: grid_environment = None 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: grid_scratch = None 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: dry_run = False 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: skip_nothing = False 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: quit_early = False 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: until_task = None 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: exclude_task = None 2021-04-22 08:36:21,655 LoggerReporter started INFO: target = None 2021-04-22 08:36:21,656 LoggerReporter started INFO: exclude_target = None 2021-04-22 08:36:21,656 LoggerReporter started INFO: log_level = INFO 2021-04-22 08:36:24,568 LoggerReporter log_event INFO: task 4, kneaddata____wms_2 : ready and waiting for resources 2021-04-22 08:36:24,568 LoggerReporter log_event INFO: task 4, kneaddata____wms_2 : starting to run 2021-04-22 08:36:24,644 LoggerReporter task_command INFO: Tracked executable version: kneaddata v0.10.0 2021-04-22 08:36:24,644 LoggerReporter task_command INFO: Executing with shell: kneaddata --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/wms_2.R1.fastq.gz --output /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/workflow_output/whole_metagenome_shotgun/kneaddata/main --threads 1 --output-prefix wms_2 --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/wms_2.R2.fastq.gz --cat-final-output --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome --serial --run-trf 2021-04-22 08:36:25,170 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 4, kneaddata____wms_2 : Failed! Error message : Error executing action 0. Original Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/runners.py", line 201, in _run_task_locally action_func(task) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/helpers.py", line 89, in actually_sh ret = _sh(s, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/util/__init__.py", line 320, in sh raise ShellException(proc.returncode, msg.format(cmd, ret[0], ret[1])) anadama2.util.ShellException: [Errno 1] Command `kneaddata --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/wms_2.R1.fastq.gz --output /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/workflow_output/whole_metagenome_shotgun/kneaddata/main --threads 1 --output-prefix wms_2 --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/wms_2.R2.fastq.gz --cat-final-output --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome --serial --run-trf ' failed. Out: b'' Err: b'ERROR: Unable to find bowtie2 index files in directory: /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome\n' 2021-04-22 08:36:25,170 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 17, metaphlan____wms_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `4' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,170 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 67, strainphlan_sample2markers____wms_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `17' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,171 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 22, humann____wms_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `17' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,171 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 25, humann_regroup_UniRef2EC____wms_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `22' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,171 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 32, humann_renorm_ecs_relab____wms_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `25' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,171 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 30, humann_renorm_genes_relab____wms_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `22' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,171 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 34, humann_renorm_pathways_relab____wms_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `22' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,171 LoggerReporter log_event INFO: task 8, kneaddata____wts_1 : ready and waiting for resources 2021-04-22 08:36:25,171 LoggerReporter log_event INFO: task 8, kneaddata____wts_1 : starting to run 2021-04-22 08:36:25,248 LoggerReporter task_command INFO: Tracked executable version: kneaddata v0.10.0 2021-04-22 08:36:25,248 LoggerReporter task_command INFO: Executing with shell: kneaddata --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/wts_1.R1.fastq.gz --output /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/workflow_output/whole_metatranscriptome_shotgun/kneaddata/main --threads 1 --output-prefix wts_1 --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/wts_1.R2.fastq.gz --cat-final-output --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_transcriptome --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_ribosomal_rna --serial --run-trf 2021-04-22 08:36:25,374 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 8, kneaddata____wts_1 : Failed! Error message : Error executing action 0. Original Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/runners.py", line 201, in _run_task_locally action_func(task) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/helpers.py", line 89, in actually_sh ret = _sh(s, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/util/__init__.py", line 320, in sh raise ShellException(proc.returncode, msg.format(cmd, ret[0], ret[1])) anadama2.util.ShellException: [Errno 1] Command `kneaddata --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/wts_1.R1.fastq.gz --output /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/workflow_output/whole_metatranscriptome_shotgun/kneaddata/main --threads 1 --output-prefix wts_1 --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/wts_1.R2.fastq.gz --cat-final-output --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_transcriptome --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_ribosomal_rna --serial --run-trf ' failed. Out: b'' Err: b'ERROR: Unable to find bowtie2 index files in directory: /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome\n' 2021-04-22 08:36:25,374 LoggerReporter log_event INFO: task 11, kneaddata____wts_2 : ready and waiting for resources 2021-04-22 08:36:25,375 LoggerReporter log_event INFO: task 11, kneaddata____wts_2 : starting to run 2021-04-22 08:36:25,450 LoggerReporter task_command INFO: Tracked executable version: kneaddata v0.10.0 2021-04-22 08:36:25,451 LoggerReporter task_command INFO: Executing with shell: kneaddata --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/wts_2.R1.fastq.gz --output /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/workflow_output/whole_metatranscriptome_shotgun/kneaddata/main --threads 1 --output-prefix wts_2 --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/wts_2.R2.fastq.gz --cat-final-output --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_transcriptome --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_ribosomal_rna --serial --run-trf 2021-04-22 08:36:25,576 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 11, kneaddata____wts_2 : Failed! Error message : Error executing action 0. Original Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/runners.py", line 201, in _run_task_locally action_func(task) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/helpers.py", line 89, in actually_sh ret = _sh(s, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/util/__init__.py", line 320, in sh raise ShellException(proc.returncode, msg.format(cmd, ret[0], ret[1])) anadama2.util.ShellException: [Errno 1] Command `kneaddata --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/wts_2.R1.fastq.gz --output /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/workflow_output/whole_metatranscriptome_shotgun/kneaddata/main --threads 1 --output-prefix wts_2 --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wts/wts_2.R2.fastq.gz --cat-final-output --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_transcriptome --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_ribosomal_rna --serial --run-trf ' failed. Out: b'' Err: b'ERROR: Unable to find bowtie2 index files in directory: /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome\n' 2021-04-22 08:36:25,576 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 14, kneaddata_read_count_table : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `8' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,576 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 43, humann____wts_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `17' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,576 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 46, humann_regroup_UniRef2EC____wts_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `43' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,577 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 53, humann_renorm_ecs_relab____wts_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `46' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,577 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 51, humann_renorm_genes_relab____wts_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `43' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,577 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 55, humann_renorm_pathways_relab____wts_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `43' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,578 LoggerReporter log_event INFO: task 0, kneaddata____wms_1 : ready and waiting for resources 2021-04-22 08:36:25,578 LoggerReporter log_event INFO: task 0, kneaddata____wms_1 : starting to run 2021-04-22 08:36:25,653 LoggerReporter task_command INFO: Tracked executable version: kneaddata v0.10.0 2021-04-22 08:36:25,654 LoggerReporter task_command INFO: Executing with shell: kneaddata --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/wms_1.R1.fastq.gz --output /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/workflow_output/whole_metagenome_shotgun/kneaddata/main --threads 1 --output-prefix wms_1 --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/wms_1.R2.fastq.gz --cat-final-output --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome --serial --run-trf 2021-04-22 08:36:25,782 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 0, kneaddata____wms_1 : Failed! Error message : Error executing action 0. Original Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/runners.py", line 201, in _run_task_locally action_func(task) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/helpers.py", line 89, in actually_sh ret = _sh(s, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/anadama2/util/__init__.py", line 320, in sh raise ShellException(proc.returncode, msg.format(cmd, ret[0], ret[1])) anadama2.util.ShellException: [Errno 1] Command `kneaddata --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/wms_1.R1.fastq.gz --output /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/workflow_output/whole_metagenome_shotgun/kneaddata/main --threads 1 --output-prefix wms_1 --input /work/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/Tutorials/workflows/examples/wmgx_wmtx/wms/wms_1.R2.fastq.gz --cat-final-output --reference-db /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome --serial --run-trf ' failed. Out: b'' Err: b'ERROR: Unable to find bowtie2 index files in directory: /home/izardlabhcc/sdpapet/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome\n' 2021-04-22 08:36:25,782 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 7, kneaddata_read_count_table : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `0' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,782 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 15, metaphlan____wms_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `0' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,782 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 18, metaphlan_join_taxonomic_profiles : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `17' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,783 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 19, metaphlan_count_species : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `18' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,783 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 42, humann____wts_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `8' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,783 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 44, humann_count_alignments_species : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `42' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,783 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 45, humann_regroup_UniRef2EC____wts_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `42' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,783 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 48, humann_join_tables_ecs : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `45' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,783 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 52, humann_renorm_ecs_relab____wts_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `45' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,783 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 57, humann_join_tables_ecs_relab : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `52' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,784 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 60, humann_count_features_ecs : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `57' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,784 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 47, humann_join_tables_genefamilies : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `42' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,784 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 49, humann_join_tables_pathabundance : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `42' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,784 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 50, humann_renorm_genes_relab____wts_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `42' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,784 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 56, humann_join_tables_genes_relab : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `50' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,784 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 59, humann_count_features_genes : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `56' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,784 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 54, humann_renorm_pathways_relab____wts_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `42' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,784 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 58, humann_join_tables_pathways_relab : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `54' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,785 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 61, humann_count_features_pathways : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `58' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,785 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 62, humann_merge_feature_counts : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `59' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,785 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 66, strainphlan_sample2markers____wms_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `15' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,785 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 68, strainphlan_print_clades : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,785 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 69, order_clade_list : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `18' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,785 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 70, strainphlan_clade_0 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,785 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 71, strainphlan_clade_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,785 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 72, strainphlan_clade_2 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,786 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 73, strainphlan_clade_3 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,786 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 74, strainphlan_clade_4 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,786 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 75, strainphlan_clade_5 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,786 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 76, strainphlan_clade_6 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,786 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 77, strainphlan_clade_7 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,786 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 78, strainphlan_clade_8 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,786 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 79, strainphlan_clade_9 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,786 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 80, strainphlan_clade_10 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,787 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 81, strainphlan_clade_11 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,787 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 82, strainphlan_clade_12 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,787 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 83, strainphlan_clade_13 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,787 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 84, strainphlan_clade_14 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,787 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 85, strainphlan_clade_15 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,787 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 86, strainphlan_clade_16 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,787 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 87, strainphlan_clade_17 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,787 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 88, strainphlan_clade_18 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,788 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 89, strainphlan_clade_19 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `66' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,788 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 20, humann____wms_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `0' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,788 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 23, humann_count_alignments_species : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `20' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,788 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 24, humann_regroup_UniRef2EC____wms_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `20' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,788 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 27, humann_join_tables_ecs : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `24' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,788 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 64, rna_dna_norm.py : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `48' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,788 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 31, humann_renorm_ecs_relab____wms_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `24' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,788 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 36, humann_join_tables_ecs_relab : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `32' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,789 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 39, humann_count_features_ecs : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `36' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,789 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 26, humann_join_tables_genefamilies : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `20' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,789 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 63, rna_dna_norm.py : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `26' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,789 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 28, humann_join_tables_pathabundance : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `20' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,789 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 65, rna_dna_norm.py : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `49' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,789 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 29, humann_renorm_genes_relab____wms_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `20' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,789 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 35, humann_join_tables_genes_relab : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `29' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,789 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 38, humann_count_features_genes : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `35' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,790 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 33, humann_renorm_pathways_relab____wms_1 : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `20' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,790 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 37, humann_join_tables_pathways_relab : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `33' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,790 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 40, humann_count_features_pathways : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `37' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,790 LoggerReporter task_failed ERROR: task 41, humann_merge_feature_counts : Failed! Error message : Task failed because parent task `40' failed 2021-04-22 08:36:25,790 LoggerReporter finished ERROR: AnADAMA run finished with errors.