Error "`x` and `y` must share the same src," when trying to include covariates in lm_meta

Dear @sma I am trying this option (passing the reference as as part of the ‘control’ list) now with 2 other variables, both of them have more than 2 levels.

fit_lm_meta_taxSR <- lm_meta(feature_abd = metaphlanSR,
                         batch = "study",
                         exposure = "response",
                         covariates = c("sex", "age", "drug"),
                         data = MeTaSR, 
        control = list(verbose = FALSE, output = "MetaSR.XY", reference='drug,one'))

Inspired by this reply I also tried…

control = list(verbose = FALSE, output = "MetaXXX", 
                       fixed_effects = c("drug"), reference=c("drug,one"))

Here is the version I just re installed

[1] ‘3.13’
sessionInfo() ... MMUPHin_1.6.2 

My questions are (1) is how is the correct way to pass the reference as part of the control arguments (2) how do I pass multiple variables with their references?

Thanks for your help!
